(2014) The very beginnings of the band's story, Corr Mhóna first let themselves known to the music listening public with the release of An Chéad Thríail. This demo was home produced, and this is apparent on first listen; there is a rawness and honesty to the recording. There are only three tracks on the demo, all of which would be re-recorded for 2016's Corrguineacht. This demo announced the arrival of Corr Mhóna on the Irish underground scene.
(2016) Corr Mhóna began to get the ball rolling creatively with their first e.p. Corrguíneacht. This was recorded professionally in a studio, and the broad range of influence and creative styles that make the band distinct begin to show themselves here. Containing 7 tracks and 35 mins long, Corrguineacht is generous for an 'e.p.' and shows that the band had a backlog of material ready to go at the group's inception. Corrguíneacht received positive reviews both within Ireland and abroad, including from famous metal mag Terrorizer. (Click here to listen to a track from Corrguíneacht).
(2019) Dair is Corr Mhóna's debut album, which will be released later this year. Dair is an atmospheric journey through foreboding and obscure musical landscapes, fine-tuned over 3 years of composition and recording. Written while band members were scattered to far-flung climes, the music viscerally displays the dissonance and conflict caused by such creative difficulties. Full of light and shade, with multiple vocalists, vocal styles and contrasting passages, Dair shows the maturity and confidence of a band at the height of their powers. (Check out the teaser video from Dair on our home page, or try the player at the top right of this page for a sample track [Desktop only]).